
Thanks for checking out my blog. It's here that I plan to share with you my experiences that I hold close to my heart. Enjoy reading.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pondering Ideas & Working Out

Hi All,

Since I took a 6 week break from lifting shoes, my body has gone into withdraw from lifting boxes. I've since taken on a rather aggressive approach at the local gym. Today I found me telling myself that I was becoming not real fond of the weight room. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I will say I LOVE the cardio workout, running, and just tuning out with some good music. The weights on the other hand are work. I have very little upper body strength and since working out on the weights my arms do feel better so I'll keep at it. I never realized just how much work I was doing lifting 50 lb. boxes of shoes while doing the shoe drive.

Which leads me to yet another question....

If I did another shoe drive, would you be willing to help?

Ironically, my garage has shoes in it and I found myself collecting boxes while in BJ's Warehouse the other day. A little scary since I haven't officially declared that I'm going to do this again in September, but I got to put it out there.

Homework is done for the kids, but dinner is not. Off to be a Mom.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love reading your blog! I feel so close to you! I am also blogging.. 52 weeks, 52 resolutions, 1 mom. Check me out. No one else does.

    Are you still doing the pillow case dresses to take with you? My bible study group starts up in 10 days and if I arrive with a pattern and a plan, they would probably be willing to take it on as their service project... Let me know.

    much love!
