Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
One Person
54,320 Shoes
27,160 Pairs of Shoes
17,570 Pairs of Shoes on the 1st truck
9,580 Pairs of Shoes on the 2nd truck
2,800 pairs of shoes that couldn't fit on the first truck
500 plus hours of community service from many
21 Schools
12 Weeks
10 Churches
7 Village Centers
3 Gyms
2 Colleges
1 Community
1 Person
We ALL made a difference in the lives of so many other people much less fortunate than ourselves.
Today I find myself with a lot of mixed emotions. I packed up the last of the shoes and cleaned out the warehouse. A chapter in my life closes. I have met so many incredible, kind, wonderful and hard working people. From the littlest ones that I got to read a book to sharing with them how I found out about Soles4Souls and telling them they too would be added to my list of friends to the elderly people that I helped by simply giving them a hug, smiling at them and saying "Thank you".
I could hear their wonder and amazement in the voices of so many. "Wow! Really! What was it like? Did you have fun? What was hard? Why are you doing this again? Did you ever think????" I smile and say to myself... No, God does all my thinking these days... I'm just a vehicle to share joy to others.
Today I spoke with a reporter from Patuxent Publishing Company. I found myself with tears in my eyes because I know how much joy all the shoes I collected will mean to the people that will get them. Happiness for others. Such a wonderful thing.
The best way I can describe my shoe drive/collection is that EVERY day when I would collect or receive more shoes I felt like a child on Christmas morning getting tons of presents.
So my tears were those of happiness for others and to have been able to successfully share their stories to so many members of the community in which I live in. Their message was heard from this county.
One person told me to imagine providing 1/2 of the Raven's Stadium with shoes. That certainly puts into perspective how many shoes I collected.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
There SOME Shoes Go...Here Shoes Come
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

George Carter, Me and Wayne at Howard County Community College. George gave Wayne his first job in the shoe industry and owns the shoe store in the mall right here in Columbia. Good times.
I'm still packing and packing and packing. I'm making my final collections this week and picking up collection boxes. It's been a good shoe drive/collection. Thanks everyone for letting me be an active part in your community! WE MATTER AND WE MADE A DIFFERENCE!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Hammond High School Rocks!!!
Hammond High.... you're awesome! A special shout out to Mr. Livieratos aka Mr. L. who has reached out and stepped beyond his classroom to real life situations. I could not have done it without his help and expertise.
Thank You!
Hope to see some of you this weekend at the warehouse!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
WOW & Warehouse Times This Weekend
Warehouse times this weekend
Friday evening 7pm unitl ???
Saturday 10/22 2pm until ???
Sunday 2pm until???
This is the last weekend I will be able to offer community service hours to students in Howard County.
The tractor-trailer is scheduled to come and I will be getting everything I have boxed and pallet ready for the truck. To date I have 15, 045 Shoes as well as 3 more rooms of shoes in piles that are literally up to my shoulders. I am thrilled at my community for really stepping up to the plate here.
Times are busy and I'm attempting to remain calm and carry on. It is a tad bit ku ku in my world right now and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way!!!
Thanks EVERYONE for making this happen.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Warehouse Times for 10/22 & 10/23
I'll be at the warehouse this weekend. If you would like to come help rubberband and tie together shoes, bring your water bottle and come on over.
Saturday 2pm to 5pm
Sunday 2pm to 4pm
Hope to see you there.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Warehouse Dates & Times 10/16/11
I will be at the warehouse this weekend on SUNDAY ONLY from 2 to 5pm
We have a zillion shoes to get ready for shipment. Lotta hands, little work.
Show up with a water bottle and come prepared to help sort, bundle and pack.
Zul my helper at the warehouse has been ill all week and unable to be at the warehouse. If you need to do a drop off or meet with me, you can reach me at the number below the warehouse address to the right of this blog and I will try my best to work out a time that works for both parties.
I am busy running around collecting shoes as quickly as possible. If I haven't gotten to you yet, just know If you have called and left a message for pick up that I am coming. I know the boxes are filling up quickly as the closure of this collection is quickly approaching.
Thanks again to eveyone for making me proud of our community. Having a pair of shoes really means a lot to so many others. It reaffirms my belief in one of Wayne Elsey's quotes... "To have enough to give someone else is what it truly means to be rich."
Have a great weekend all
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Come Hear What Wayne Elsey Has To Say

When: Thursday October 20th, 7:00pm
Friday, October 7, 2011
Warehouse Times 10/8 and 10/9 AND... TODD
Bring your water bottle over and come on out. We have piles of shoes to pack and get on the pallet!
Todd is an attorney for Soles4Souls (S4S) and was really very helpful to me on this trip in many ways. He has children of his own and is very smart. He reminded me of my own brother who is also an attorney.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Moving Right Along
It's been a crazy week. While trying to hide the bread and microwave plate cover from the 120lb lab taking them to nibble on.... I hid them in the stove. Forgot that I put those things in the stove and went to bake some cookies. Upon turning the oven on to preheat the microwave plate cover caught on fire. 5 fire trucks later I felt like a real fool. No nobody was hurt, yes the oven still works and I ordered new racks for it today.
I then left my keys on the back of my husbands car and he drove off with them to get pizza on Friday night. Found those a mile down the road smashed to pieces.
Lastly, someone tried to break into the warehouse and vandalize it. They were NOT successfull and well that's 3 bad things in a row... now it's over.
Needless to say things have been busy. I still LOVE doing the shoe drive. I have met so many wonderful people that want to do something good. This far outweighs those hurdles I've passed in the last week.
I'm busy running around trying to keep up with all the shoes coming in and still delivering boxes to schools that want to participate in the drive. I am forever appreciative to everyone for making the process happen. It's an amazing journey and I still LOVE being a part of it.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Warehouse Times for the Weekend
Saturday 10/1 2pm to 5pm
Sunday 10/2 4 to 6pm
It's the opening of soccer games this weekend and I want to be there to cheer the kids on. If you can make it out that would be great. Bring a water bottle and come on out for some good times and doing something good.
Check back Monday for an updated count of how many shoes we have collected.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Warehouse Location & Times
9385 Washington Blvd
Laurel, Md 20723
I'll be there this weekend at the following times.
Friday: 6:30 pm to ???
Saturday: 2pm to ???? (most likely 5pm or 6pm)
Sunday: 2pm to 5pm
If you want to come down and help out... would love to have your support. If you can't make it... say a prayer for me. I do have a cd/radio player with a hanger for an antenna, we listen to tunes and have a good time while doing good work for a great cause.
Bring your water bottle and come on over.
Otherwise... I'm looking for more pictures to post here next week. If you are collecting and want to send me your pictures from your shoe drive... I'd love to have them.
Lastly, to those waiting to hear from me.... I'm super busy and trying to coordinate pick-ups and establishing people doing their current drive/collections. Please know the squeaky wheel gets greased first and I'm a human being.... not a human doing. 24 hours in a day for a reason.... constant reminders I give myself. You may have to call me or e-mail me a second time, but I sincerely and graciously appreciate ALL the wonderful work from our community!
We are making the world a better place one pair of shoes at a time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Who Is My Littlest Helper?
Now... Who is my littlest helper? Ben of course!!!
Sofie their dog even gets into the action.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Yep... That's Wayne Elsey
This is me and Sean Lewis. Sean is the Faith Engagement Manager at the Soles4Souls Headquarter office in Tennessee. In other words, he works with a lot of churches and religious organizations that want to get involved with Soles4Souls.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Warehouse
This pile of shoes all belong to the kid size pile.
To the left is a pile of single shoes... looking for a mate. Believe it or not many people in the world only have one leg.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hurricane Irene & Schools
Just a short post. I've been really really REALLY busy with shoes.
We survived hurricane Irene. Lost power at 11pm on Saturday evening and had none on Sunday until 9:30pm. We lost some lunch meat and a few frozen peas....
We gained some good family game time, everyone out doing clean-up of their yards, an ice cream party galore, a glow stick party in the evening and some really great grilling from neighbors. Love those peas!!!!
The warehouse that has been donated to me was fine and so was our home. No structural damage at either location.
I've been busy working with getting many Howard County Schools and churches on board with collecting. I'm also looking forward to working with the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts. I'm inundated with shoes and quite frankly... I LOVE IT.
Just the other day, Danny from the Tasty T-Shirt company offered to help me out with pallets, boxes and shrink wrap. I made those famous chocolate chip cookies for him today as a thank you. Since the oven is working now... I can do that and I really appreciate his pleasant attitude and willingness to help show me the how and why of a warehouse.
So... I'm a busy woman. No school today for the first day of school due to lack of electricity.
Please keep others who are still without power and their needs not being met in your thoughts. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
Friday, August 19, 2011
A Deep Breath Of Life
People are reaching out from all areas. I'm trying to tweet and well... I'm trying. I tried to put that graph/meter on my blog and well... it doesn't look right either... but... I'm NOT giving up on technology... nope, nope, nope.... I am not going to let it get the best of me.
For tonight let me just say... I made the time to take my daughter and her friend to the new American Girl store in Tyson's Corner for her 10th birthday. She smiled and laughed and took her doll as well and we were able to have dinner there. Something we didn't think we would be able to do. At the end of it all, she was bubbling over with joy and looked at me and said... "Mom, that was really cool. Thanks." It's moments like those that I will cherrish for years and moments I hope I can recall when she's learning how to drive or going out on a date.
My heart does not lie to me. Therefore, I listen to it. I am sincerely grateful for the outpouring of support and love that I have gotten in attempting to collect 50,000 pairs of shoes. For tonight, I'm gonna lay my body down, take a deep breath of life, and thank the power greater than myself for giving me another day to be a positive part of the world.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
50,000 Pairs of Shoes
That's the goal I have set to attain by end of October. Once I can educate myself more on how to put my flier on this blog I'll add that and all those that are working with me in achieving my goals. I hope to also add a thermometer to show where I'm at in collection. I can tell you the recipe from the back of the bag to make chocolate chip cookies because I've made them so many times. My blogging skills are no where near as good as my cookies taste. So bear with me. I need to get the Queen of Blogging over again to help me with this. She is a whole entire different blog about how much she has been a friend to me and what a WONDERFUL job she is doing at raising her beautiful, compassionate and caring children. Back to shoes...
So far I have many many many people involved. I'd like to give a shout out to the following:
Most importantly, my Mom for giving me compassion, patience and love that she did. My Mom made me the person I am today. I know there were many times when she would have liked to as she put it... "take me out of this world..." but she didn't.
My husband Bill and our three children, Stephen, Grace and Sarah. They continually walk over piles of shoes in my house and give me a constant source of energy, entertainment and love.
Guy Guzzone and EZ Storage on Route 1 for getting and donating warehouse space to house all these shoes until the end of October.
To Father Miller and Denise Stanley at St. Bernadine's off of Edmondson's Avenue in Baltimore
To Emily Wofford, Tina Ferguson, and Bill Schneider - my cheering section
To Emily Aubrey-Frock for the countless collection of shoes in Towson Baltimore
To Msgr Luca at St. Louis Church in Clarksville, follow the message in my heart, not my head.
To My sister Cathy who helped me design my flier and continually entertains my children with her antics
Michelle James for her sharing her insight and expertise and experience with compassion and patience.
The NAACP Howard County Youth Council
The Columbia Village Association, Carol Wasser and the Village Managers for allowing me to place a drop off box in their office.
Our Pediatricians, Pediatric Associates in Ellicott City.
The Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Nicole Langford at Soles4Souls Headquarters in Nashville, TN for her guidance and laughter.
There are so many people who have helped me and those are just the few that are on my mind today. I'm sure I've forgotten someone, but I COMPLETELY believe in the "village" concept. I couldn't do this without a lot of help from a lot of people.
An article will be coming out in this Thursday's Columbia Flier and Howard County Times with more information on the drive/collection.
Is a collection of 50,000 pairs of shoes possible? I don't know, but I'm about to find out and I hope I can say at the end of October.... "WOW WHAT A RIDE!!!"
Friday, August 12, 2011
Being Human
I've been wondering what I wanted my next topic to blog about to be and am struggling maintaing my computer skills and trying to figure out how to do things. This file goes here, click that button, then do this. It all becomes a little confusing to me, but I haven't given up hope yet that I'll get it. I do need to reach out and ask for help or simply sit down and take the time to ... read the instructions in the "how to" section however many times it takes to figure something out.
My lack of skills at blogging caused me to laugh and say to myself... "Hey Rachel... anyone tell you you're a human being not a human doing lately". Of course I smiled and took the moment to simply be in the present.
Summer is coming to an end and everyone is out school shopping. Young adults are preparing to head off to college and I've begun walking with our 3 children in the morning a little earlier each day. Just yesterday I noted that there was a chill in the air as the kids said... "C'mon Mom get in the pool".
Recently I have been able to tell the stories of so many children I met in Africa to others. I am currently working on a shoe drive/collection in the Columbia/Baltimore/DC area and am bringing incrediable awareness to the fact that others truly do not own a pair of shoes. In talking with others, I find that I am able to look at them in the eye and am amazed that we as Americans just sort of forget how good we have it in our country. We get up, many of us get up from a nice bed and have breakfast of a cup of coffee. We get dressed and go about our daily litney of things to do eventually ending the day by going back to our nice bed to re-energize for the next day.
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Thoughts in My Mind Today

I also really liked playing soccer with the kids. They were really good at it. Note the bottle of water in hand. Some kids that didn't have a soccer ball used old t-shirts and string and stuff that they had found to make a soccer ball. Regardless, we all took turns running and playing with the kids.

I'll leave you with a favorite image of mine. It has stayed with me for years.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Today's post is for my friend Josh. Josh is 4 or 5 now and has repeatedly asked his Mom where are the pictures of Zebra's from Rachel's trip. So Joshua... this one is for you.
The Zebra's in Kigoma, Tanzania were amazing to watch. We were instructed that if they charged us to raise our hands up and yell... "hey" to make ourselves look bigger. Zebra's run just like a horse and therefore sound just like a horse galloping. So if I heard a galloping horse I would turn around and prepare to see a zebra coming or going someplace quickly. We often would laugh among our group that it was persons job at the hotel to watch the zebra's and make sure they and the people around them were safe. By the time we left the hotel I believe we were all glad that man was there watching those zebra's.