
Thanks for checking out my blog. It's here that I plan to share with you my experiences that I hold close to my heart. Enjoy reading.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today I woke and found this quote that said the difference between being interested and being committed are that when you are interested it requires little action on your part and you are not concerned about the outcome of said event. Being committed means that there are no excuses and action is required on your part. Interesting way to begin the day. So my answer to that question is with a question? Are you interested in hosting another shoe drive with me or are you committed?

Secondly, I have found my thoughts continually going towards Haiti. Wondering what I can do there? Maybe it's here that I need to do work for Haiti. Today marks the two year mark since the devastation that occurred there. While we we never forget Sept. 11th in our country I hope we never forget about our neighbors right down the road from us that are hungry or cold.

I know I can't solve the world's problems and my kids can all tell you when we go through our list of wants mine is always world peace. I believe in humility and ya gotta ask for what you want if you ever expect a chance to get it. Another great friend of mine used to say... "It's hard to be on top of the world when you are trying to carry it on your shoulders".

With a new year comes new thoughts and ideas. New resolutions and new beginnings. Where am I going this year? For once, I don't know the answer to that and I'm ok with that. Who knows, I may simply find the floor of my basement and de-clutter or become an organizing freak... not! One thing I do hope is that I continue to laugh at myself frequently and continue to be a good role model for my kids. I am not guaranteed tomorrow so I think I'll just make the best of today and live in it.

Ok... have a good one all