
Thanks for checking out my blog. It's here that I plan to share with you my experiences that I hold close to my heart. Enjoy reading.

Monday, May 2, 2011

5 Week Countdown

So much has happened so quickly. I'm finding out answers to my questions and continuing to educate myself as far as safety and life in other cultures. I did meet with another woman traveling to Africa on my trip out west and found that we both had a lot of the same questions. It was reassuring to know that I was not alone in my thoughts.

Tomorrow is immunization day. A little trepid about it, but know and believe I am again... being safe.

I have reached almost 80% of my goals for fundraising and am happy about that. Life is so much not about a number, but being a part of it while it's happening. While the funds help, I'm not overly concerned about it and blessed to be in that position.

Others are not as fortunate.

I am reminded today about the families in Alabama who lost everything they had and the people of September 11th. Do you remember where you were at when you heard the news. I remember holding Stephen in my lap and feeling the need to to get out of the house and go get a gallon of milk. The phone calls were incredible as my husband was working in Washington, DC and his father at the Pentagon. Last night I was in bed watching tv with our 11 year old son.

We are truly blessed each and every day we are given a new day to see the break of daylight, breathe air, and be with people we love. Do we always like going to work and paying bills... no, but today I am grateful to stand and be a part of life as I know it.

Chow Chow