Mufia is a small tiny girl that is courious about so much, yet wouldn't dare ask. She wears a cute top that reminded me of the kind I wore when I was a little girl. Gently Mufia held onto my hand and looked into my eyes and smiled. It was a smile that warmed my heart and spoke without words. I didn't want to let go of her hand that day and I hope to never let go of the memory she left engraved in my mind.
Kindness knows no skin color, hope has no name or age, and peace is possible despite language barriers. Thank you Mufia for letting me share with you a special day. You will always be in my thoughts. It took me forever to get your name down and when I finally associated it with "Mu-fa-sa" in the Lion King... I knew a little girl like her would be a queen in my eyes if only for a few hours. And.. thanks Todd the picture means so much to me.
Kumbatia Mufia