Here is a picture of me on a boat ride to the Gombe National Forest in Gombe Africa. This is where Jane Goodall did all her research on chimpanzee's. I look happy. Note, I'm at the back of the boat so I can jump overboard at a moments notice and I'm even smiling. I sat next to Ramadan and he most likely sensed my anxiety and would have grabbed my arm if I did try to bail out. Regardless, he kept my nerves calm and I did not bail ship.

Growing up in Southern Maryland and in Oregon I've lived near water. I've crabbed and crossed all those darn bridges out in Portland. I even like white water rafting at one point and time in my life. But for now... well, I'll let water be water all on it's own. I'm not a big advocate of it most likely because I've seen how powerful it can be and how much greater it is than myself and have accepted the defeat that it will win in any fight I choose to have with it.
I always say... don't mess with Mother Nature.
I respect it and know I need water in order to survive. Good clean water. I think as American's we truly do take for granted how fortunate we are to be able to turn on the faucet and get a drink of water. You really don't know how much you rely on something or someone until it isn't there anymore.
That being said... yes I love the beach and our family goest to the Outter Banks in North Carolina every summer. I love the sand. The water not so much. I'll continue to respect and love water, but completely understand my own limitations with it. And know... I have no problems bringing out the water hose on a hot day to have a great water gun fight with my kids.
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